January 14, 2024
Church family, your church leadership needs to share a matter of great importance with you. Despite its sensitivity, it’s necessary to bring this to your attention.
As many of you may be aware, for the past several years, our Southern Baptist Convention has grappled with the reality of sexual abuse in our churches and the critical need to respond in Scripturally-sound ways. FBCBA is now walking through this exact issue related to allegations of sexual abuse in our church’s past.
- The allegations pertain to FBCBA’s former College and Singles Minister, Matthew Kennedy.
- Matthew Kennedy served in this role at FBCBA from 2003 until 2006.
- The allegations pertain to actions that took place during the timeframe that he was serving here.
- The individual who has brought this to us was a teenager in our church during this timeframe and part of our high school student ministry.
While there are many aspects yet-to-be-determined, we have confirmed that some level of sexual contact took place between this teenager and Matthew Kennedy, resulting in his termination in 2006.
We first learned of these allegations in 2021 through a social media post and immediately reported the allegations to law enforcement, who advised us that there was no action which they could take. We then reached out to the woman who had shared her story. She graciously and courageously met with members of our leadership team.
This initial report and meeting took place just over two years ago. We recognize that when abuse has occurred, voice and choice is taken from survivors. Leadership at FBCBA felt therefore that it was of utmost importance to be prepared to walk with individuals who may raise allegations of abuse, at their pace. In light of this, in this initial meeting, we listened attentively and with deep sorrow. We offered an open invitation for further discussion and expressed our willingness to take additional steps whenever she felt comfortable moving forward.
She reached out to us again this past August, expressing gratitude for our prior meeting and making the following three requests: (1) That Mr. Kennedy be reported to the Southern Baptist Convention; (2) That our current policies and procedures for abuse prevention and response be analyzed and accounted for; and (3) That we provide some tangible consideration for the suffering she has experienced. It is our desire to consider and respond to each of these requests faithfully and biblically.
Based on these requests and the continued learning we have done over the past few years, we felt it was important to take some intentional steps, which we have worked on collaboratively with her for the past few months to reach this point:
- First, we believe that our Christian theology requires that we disclose this information to you, our church, particularly our belief in God’s command to pursue truth, our understanding of Biblical authority, and Scripture’s commands regarding the accountability under which every leader is to shepherd.
- Second, we have engaged with experts in this arena, including a nationally recognized abuse survivor, a Christ-follower, who has worked closely with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Abuse Reform Task Force and has guided multiple Christian organizations through appropriately responding to these types of allegations.
- Third, we have engaged with nationally recognized legal counsel who have worked with countless churches in these types of matters.
- Fourth, we have collaborated extensively with our church leadership, including the Executive Team, the Advisory Ministry Team, our Lead Team, and appropriate staff.
- And finally, we have connected with our church’s prior leadership as well as reaching out to Mr. Kennedy regarding these allegations.
After taking these initial steps, we feel compelled to engage an independent, third-party organization to conduct a thorough investigation and assessment. We believe it is extremely important for an outside organization, not us, to review, assess, and advise with respect to the credibility of these allegations and to help us identify any areas where we can better live out our commitment to care for the vulnerable.
We have chosen GRACE for the investigation, a nationally recognized church investigations organization with a distinguished reputation for their work in this arena. GRACE’s investigation will focus on three goals: (1) A factual examination and credibility assessment of the allegations against Mr. Kennedy; (2) An assessment of our church’s prior awareness of the allegations and how our church responded once the circumstances were discovered; and (3) An assessment of our church’s present environment and culture in responding to this abuse with recommendations for any changes to our policies and practices with respect to abuse in the church.
As GRACE soon begins their investigation, you should know that we will ensure they have access to the full scope of relevant information we may have on this matter. We also encourage any of you who may have any potentially relevant information regarding these allegations and Mr. Kennedy to reach out directly to the lead investigator at GRACE, Robert Peters. We will provide you with his contact information. Once the investigation is complete, we will share GRACE’s relevant findings with you.
These allegations are difficult to hear. We know that some of you may be experiencing intense pain, some of you may have mixed emotions, and some of you may have questions or reservations about our actions. Let me assure you that our ultimate desire is the same as it has always been: To honor God above all, through our diligence and faithfulness in this matter. We affirm that those who claim Christ’s name are called to bring light into dark places and to be bearers of the truth. As members of Christ’s body, let us follow this command together, knowing that Christ does not need our defense, but He requires our obedience. That is why we believe God has called us to advise you of this matter, to speak clearly, and to act with boldness as we continue to lean solely on Him in this matter.
We are heartbroken over these allegations and have grieved heavily over what has been shared with us. We ask that you, our church family, would pray that God will bring truth to light, mightily restore and heal the broken-hearted, and bring to restoration and repentance those in need of our Savior’s never-ending grace. Please be encouraged that your church lives out the values it preaches. Properly and biblically responding to this circumstance is not a distraction from our mission, but rather it is part of our mission.
Church family, what an honor it is to be your pastor and to shepherd and love you. I have not ceased praying for you that we would strive to honor and glorify Christ by displaying His compassionate, unconditional love and unending grace. My heart for us would be to focus on two things moving forward: looking to Jesus and loving and caring well for one another.
The love of God in Christ transforms everything about us. God’s love compels us to love Him and others like He has loved us in Christ. The moment we receive His love we are no longer the same. Following Jesus is the way of life, and our King commands us to love one another as He has loved us. We are to love one another, our neighbors, enemies, the least of these, the downtrodden, and especially those who have been abused. May we never think responding with compassion, unconditional care, and love, and seeking truth and restoration is a distraction to our church’s mission but rather a vital part of our mission of reaching BA and beyond.
Secondly, we remind ourselves every Sunday that we are loved. Now God is giving us a divine opportunity to love and care well for one another during this season. There may be those in our church who have suffered abuse as a part of their story. We love you and are here for you. May we love one another by compassionately listening, tenderly praying, and bearing one another’s burdens. Church, we have our ministers available immediately following both services today. Additionally, we have licensed, certified therapists available following our services, including church member Sheila Henderson. Our wonderful friends and partners at Cornerstone Counseling, Dr. Kevin Nieman and his team are also here today to help you. We’re grateful for their availability to us and to you.
In closing, I would encourage you to explore our website for the disclosure statement I have just read, a Q&A page, and other helpful resources that our church has provided.
The Bible says in Daniel 9:18-19, “For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.” May it be so now and forevermore as we look to Jesus and love and care well for one another. Church, join me as I pray, and then you will be dismissed.
If abuse is part of your story, and if you want help from individuals who care and can guide you through your trauma, we encourage you to consider using the following resources:
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- Counseling services:
- Cornerstone Counseling:; 918-392-4008.
- Seasons of Life, Sheila Henderson, MA, LPC; 918-417-6800
- BMA Counseling, Bowden McElroy, LPC; 918-346-3665
- Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE):
- The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of The Southern Baptist Convention’s resource for abuse reform in the church:
If you need to discuss financial assistance to pursue counseling related to abuse, please call the church office at (918) 258-4575.
For those of you who may have suffered abuse, or are desiring to walk well with those who have, or to better understand some of the theology and truths that have led us to take these steps, we would recommend the following resources:
- Rid of My Disgrace, by Justin and Lindsay Holcombe
- Redeeming Power by Diane Langberg
- On the Threshold of Hope by Diane Langberg
- Hope and Restoration after Sexual Abuse (a short, free video series by Brad Hambrick;
We began this statement with a section of Psalm 33, and we close with this Psalm as well – a reminder that the God who knows our hearts sees all things. Nothing is hidden from His sight. A reminder that our hope is not in might or strength, but in Christ our Redeemer. A reminder that when our souls wait upon the Lord, we can follow him with joy and gladness, no matter the road we are walking.
Listed below are questions and answers we believe enhance the information in the statement above.
What are the circumstances of this case?
In September 2021, we were alerted to a social media post in which a woman who had been part of our church family in the early 2000s as a teenager alleged that she was sexually abused by one of our former ministers, Matthew Kennedy during his tenure on our staff from 2003-2006. We were able to confirm that leadership at the time terminated Kennedy's employment based on knowledge of some level of sexual contact that took place.
When we (current leadership) learned of the reporting victim's allegation in 2021, we filed a police report and met with the reporting victim to hear her story. We believe it is critical to prioritize survivor voice and choice and expressed our willingness to take additional steps as a church, at her request and readiness. In August 2023, she reached back out to us and asked for the church to further examine this matter, take actions for organizational accountability, and bear some responsibility for our role in the alleged abuse by one of our ministers.
Since this communication from the reporting victim in August, we have been working diligently with an assembled team of advisors, consultants, and morally and Scripturally-guided legal counsel to prepare our response, including a public disclosure and the launch of an independent investigation.
Why are we sharing this information with the entire church?
In a landscape marred by scandal, cover-ups, incomplete investigations, and denial, we want to foster a culture of openness, care, and justice. Generally speaking, transparency about sexual abuse as a whole and instances of individual abuse is the best way to promote such a culture, leading to safer environments for children and the vulnerable. Our actions in this case are consistent with the recent efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force and abuse reform resolutions passed by the SBC over the past few years.
Why are we naming the alleged abuser?
By naming Matthew Kennedy, we’re not only providing an opportunity for relevant witnesses to come forward with information, but we’re also preventing speculation or gossip about which former staff member is the subject of the allegations.
When independent investigations are warranted, it will be the policy of FBCBA to name the alleged abuser. For a thorough and just weighing of evidence, it is necessary for individuals to be aware of the identity of the alleged abuser. Naming an abuser is not a de facto judgment on allegations, rather it is the means by which a thorough weighing of evidence can take place.
Why are we initiating an investigation?
At FBCBA, it is our policy that where clergy sexual abuse is alleged, an independent investigation is the appropriate format for assessing the allegations and church response. This approach removes any bias or prejudice when assessing the information that is collected through the investigation. Further, the results of the investigation will be used, along with other data collected, to inform any further considerations to be provided to the victim.
Who will be conducting the investigation?
After looking at a few options, we have chosen GRACE as the firm to conduct the investigation. “GRACE” is an acronym for “Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment.” Consisting of a team of highly skilled professionals including attorneys, former prosecutors, theologians, and investigators, GRACE is uniquely qualified to conduct our investigation and provide recommendations for updates and additions to our policies and procedures for abuse prevention and response.
What is the scope of the investigation?
The investigation’s scope is defined as (1) A factual examination and credibility assessment of the allegations against Mr. Kennedy; (2) An assessment our church’s prior awareness of the allegations and how our church responded once the circumstances were discovered; and (3) An assessment of our church’s present environment and culture in responding to this abuse with recommendations for any changes to our policies and practices with respect to abuse in the church.
How long will the investigation last?
We can’t foresee all possible circumstances, but GRACE’s estimate is that the investigation will take from three to six months. So, we expect it to be concluded and a final report delivered by mid-2024.
Will GRACE’s final report be shared with the church?
In the spirit of the transparency with which we’ve approached this entire case, it is our intent to publish GRACE’s findings from the investigation. However, FBCBA will be sensitive to the reporting victim’s agreement with a public release.
What are our current policies and processes for abuse prevention and response?
For many years, our church has used background checks for anyone working with minors as part of our abuse prevention plan, as well as educating staff and volunteers on mandatory reporting laws. Most organizations have learned that background checks alone are not enough. A few years ago, we added a more robust screening process that includes required video-based training and a personal interview by a ministry leader for anyone seeking to serve with minors. We expect GRACE to suggest enhancements for both prevention and response to our policies and procedures, and we are prepared to do that according to their recommendations.
Who has been involved in our response to this case?
FBCBA’s response to these allegations has been led by our Executive Team, including Senior Pastor Matt Brooks, Executive Pastor Steve Smith, and Director of Operations Susan Clawson. Included in every facet of the case has also been our 2023 Advisory Ministry Team, consisting of our Personnel Team Chairman, Finance Team Chairman, and Deacon Chairman. The new 2024 AMT members will assume responsibility in the case moving forward. As the process advanced toward the churchwide disclosure, we included additional members of the church staff as well as the full Personnel Team, Finance Team, and Deacon body.
What resources have been used to inform our response to this case?
Leadership has diligently sought input from professionals throughout our response process. Those have included:
- Consultant: Nationally known abuse survivor, advocate, and consultant, Rachael Denhollander was engaged early in the process. Rachael was a central figure in the USA Gymnastics/Michigan State abuse case against Dr. Larry Nassar, rallying dozens of abuse victims, including Olympic athletes, to bring Nassar to justice. She is a Christ-follower and has worked extensively with the Southern Baptist Convention’s abuse reform efforts. Rachael is helping us with a number of facets of our case including serving as a primary intermediary with the reporting victim.
- Other churches: There are two churches our leadership has collaborated with to learn from their previous experiences in sexual abuse cases. Those include Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison, Mississippi and Tate’s Creek Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Kentucky. While every case is unique, both churches have provided helpful insights from their experiences and have approached their cases with transparency, including public statements and updates on their websites.
- Investigation firm: Having GRACE serve as our firm of choice for the independent investigation has brought their expertise and counsel on conducting an independent investigation in a way that serves the goals of all stakeholders involved while conducting their work with a Scripturally-aligned approach. They will also provide recommendations on adjustments and enhancements to our policies and procedures for abuse prevention and response.
- Legal counsel: FBCBA has engaged attorneys in Oklahoma and a national firm with a partner based in North Carolina that has specific expertise providing morally and Scripturally-guided legal counsel in church abuse cases. Both have provided extremely valuable counsel throughout the process.
What should I do if I have information that may be helpful in this case?
We encourage anyone who may have information relevant to this case to contact lead investigator, Robert Peters, at GRACE by emailing
Who can I contact if I’ve been a victim of sexual abuse, need help in processing my trauma from abuse, or simply want to care well for those who have?
If abuse is part of your story, and if you want help from individuals who care and can guide you through your trauma, we encourage you to consider using the following resources:
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- Counseling services:
- Cornerstone Counseling:; 918-392-4008.
- Seasons of Life, Sheila Henderson, MA, LPC; 918-417-6800
- BMA Counseling, Bowden McElroy, LPC; 918-346-3665
- Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE):
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of The Southern Baptist Convention’s resource for abuse reform in the church:
For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.
– Psalm 33:4-5
On January 14 of last year, Pastor Matt publicly addressed past allegations of sexual abuse through a statement titled "Addressing Our Past." Our intention was to be transparent regarding these allegations, outlining our plan to engage an independent firm to assess these allegations, review the church’s awareness and response at the time, and examine our current culture and practices for abuse prevention and response. Since then, we have also provided support to the reporting victim and to our church family through counseling assistance.
Following this initial disclosure, we partnered with GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to conduct an independent investigation, which began in February last year. GRACE issued its final report to the church on September 19, 2024. Today, we release this report to you, and as we reflect on the findings and share them with you, there are several important points we must address.
First, we acknowledge that FBCBA, like all churches, should be a place where everyone feels safe, but the report shows that was not the case for the survivor here. We grieve deeply as a result.
Second, we wish we had sought to understand more about the circumstances involved. We wish we had been more transparent with the survivor’s family and our congregation regarding the appropriate details of the incident. These shortcomings occurred within our church, and we must own them fully. We cannot preach truth and repentance without practicing it ourselves.
Third, we acknowledge and aBirm GRACE’s assessment that several appropriate actions were taken by church leadership after the circumstances of this case came to light in 2006, including terminating Matthew Kennedy and oBering counseling to the survivor.
We have learned much since hiring GRACE and reviewing their assessment. Our knowledge of the scope, frequency, and lack of full awareness of the impact on the survivor and others involved was not as well-known as it is today. As a result of the report’s findings, we now know more, we will be more vigilant, and our commitment is to better protect the vulnerable.
Biblically, there is no forgiveness, healing, or restoration without repentance (Mark 1:15; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:22). While each of us is only responsible for our own actions, throughout Scripture, we see examples of God’s people joining in corporate lament at brokenness, sin, and suZering, testifying to God’s holiness in our grief and sorrow. We invite you to join us in lamenting alongside our brothers and sisters at FBCBA and in the broader body of Christ. Romans 12:15 urges us to “...weep with those who weep,” and that is what we are calling for in this season. There is much to mourn—the wounds caused to the survivor, broken trust, relationships, and even broken unity within our congregation, all of which find their roots in the underlying circumstances about which GRACE has reported.
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you
sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you." (James 4:6b-10) In our grief, we lay this pain before the Lord Jesus. While we mourn, we also rejoice in the steadfastness of the grace of our Sovereign Lord, who sustains us.
As you will see in the GRACE report, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ministry Check website and abuse registry has faced challenges and has not yet been implemented. If the registry becomes active, we will submit the findings of the GRACE report to the SBC at that time. Our greater understanding of the past only deepens our resolve to protect the vulnerable and care for the oppressed within our church. Throughout this investigation, GRACE engaged with many individuals who have been part of the FBCBA family. Their feedback has guided us toward meaningful changes in several key areas.
Specifically, we are revising our policies and practices to align with best practices in protection of the vulnerable and are as a result better able to care for survivors. We will host ongoing training for ministry teams, volunteers working with minors, and anyone in our congregation who wants to learn from survivors and professionals in order to prevent abuse and respond appropriately if it occurs. We have also partnered with certified Christian experts in mental and emotional health and therapy so we can refer our members to them and provide financial support as needed. We are committed to these steps, believing they will make us a more aware, responsive, and compassionate faith community, helping us better follow Jesus’ call.
We have provided support to the survivor through counseling assistance. In addition, we have offered a payment sufficient to cover trauma therapy for up to two more years to assist with her ongoing healing, should she choose to use it for that purpose.
To the survivor in this case: We are truly sorry. We see you, we hear you, and we honor your courage in speaking out. We grieve deeply for the abuse you endured and the delay in addressing the truth transparently. We are deeply grateful for your willingness to engage in this process. We recognize that the cost for continuing to advocate is high. Thank you for engaging with us and helping us grow. Thank you for being committed to keeping the next generation safer, even when it meant revisiting so much pain for you.
To others in our church family and community who have been impacted by sexual abuse: We recognize that this disclosure may have brought up painful memories. We grieve with you, and we are committed to walking with you toward healing. We hope to be a place of refuge and safety for you.
To the congregation: Unity in our faith family does not mean everyone will agree on every decision. However, it does require us to pursue understanding and mutual respect. Over the past months, we have seen God’s faithful presence, and we believe He is with us now. Together with our pastors and ministers, we ask you to join us in our commitment to grow as a church that glorifies God and in learning how to care well for one another as we reach BA & Beyond by multiplying disciples to follow Jesus.
These documents contain references to grooming and sexual abuse which may be inappropriate for young readers or may be disturbing for those who have been impacted by various forms of abuse in their past. Discretion is advised.
For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.
– Psalm 33:4-5
On January 14 of last year, Pastor Matt publicly addressed past allegations of sexual abuse through a statement titled "Addressing Our Past." Our intention was to be transparent regarding these allegations, outlining our plan to engage an independent firm to assess these allegations, review the church’s awareness and response at the time, and examine our current culture and practices for abuse prevention and response. Since then, we have also provided support to the reporting victim and to our church family through counseling assistance.
Following this initial disclosure, we partnered with GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to conduct an independent investigation, which began in February last year. GRACE issued its final report to the church on September 19, 2024. Today, we release this report to you, and as we reflect on the findings and share them with you, there are several important points we must address.
First, we acknowledge that FBCBA, like all churches, should be a place where everyone feels safe, but the report shows that was not the case for the survivor here. We grieve deeply as a result.
Second, we wish we had sought to understand more about the circumstances involved. We wish we had been more transparent with the survivor’s family and our congregation regarding the appropriate details of the incident. These shortcomings occurred within our church, and we must own them fully. We cannot preach truth and repentance without practicing it ourselves.
Third, we acknowledge and aBirm GRACE’s assessment that several appropriate actions were taken by church leadership after the circumstances of this case came to light in 2006, including terminating Matthew Kennedy and oBering counseling to the survivor.
We have learned much since hiring GRACE and reviewing their assessment. Our knowledge of the scope, frequency, and lack of full awareness of the impact on the survivor and others involved was not as well-known as it is today. As a result of the report’s findings, we now know more, we will be more vigilant, and our commitment is to better protect the vulnerable.
Biblically, there is no forgiveness, healing, or restoration without repentance (Mark 1:15; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:22). While each of us is only responsible for our own actions, throughout Scripture, we see examples of God’s people joining in corporate lament at brokenness, sin, and suZering, testifying to God’s holiness in our grief and sorrow. We invite you to join us in lamenting alongside our brothers and sisters at FBCBA and in the broader body of Christ. Romans 12:15 urges us to “...weep with those who weep,” and that is what we are calling for in this season. There is much to mourn—the wounds caused to the survivor, broken trust, relationships, and even broken unity within our congregation, all of which find their roots in the underlying circumstances about which GRACE has reported.
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you
sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you." (James 4:6b-10) In our grief, we lay this pain before the Lord Jesus. While we mourn, we also rejoice in the steadfastness of the grace of our Sovereign Lord, who sustains us.
As you will see in the GRACE report, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ministry Check website and abuse registry has faced challenges and has not yet been implemented. If the registry becomes active, we will submit the findings of the GRACE report to the SBC at that time. Our greater understanding of the past only deepens our resolve to protect the vulnerable and care for the oppressed within our church. Throughout this investigation, GRACE engaged with many individuals who have been part of the FBCBA family. Their feedback has guided us toward meaningful changes in several key areas.
Specifically, we are revising our policies and practices to align with best practices in protection of the vulnerable and are as a result better able to care for survivors. We will host ongoing training for ministry teams, volunteers working with minors, and anyone in our congregation who wants to learn from survivors and professionals in order to prevent abuse and respond appropriately if it occurs. We have also partnered with certified Christian experts in mental and emotional health and therapy so we can refer our members to them and provide financial support as needed. We are committed to these steps, believing they will make us a more aware, responsive, and compassionate faith community, helping us better follow Jesus’ call.
We have provided support to the survivor through counseling assistance. In addition, we have offered a payment sufficient to cover trauma therapy for up to two more years to assist with her ongoing healing, should she choose to use it for that purpose.
To the survivor in this case: We are truly sorry. We see you, we hear you, and we honor your courage in speaking out. We grieve deeply for the abuse you endured and the delay in addressing the truth transparently. We are deeply grateful for your willingness to engage in this process. We recognize that the cost for continuing to advocate is high. Thank you for engaging with us and helping us grow. Thank you for being committed to keeping the next generation safer, even when it meant revisiting so much pain for you.
To others in our church family and community who have been impacted by sexual abuse: We recognize that this disclosure may have brought up painful memories. We grieve with you, and we are committed to walking with you toward healing. We hope to be a place of refuge and safety for you.
To the congregation: Unity in our faith family does not mean everyone will agree on every decision. However, it does require us to pursue understanding and mutual respect. Over the past months, we have seen God’s faithful presence, and we believe He is with us now. Together with our pastors and ministers, we ask you to join us in our commitment to grow as a church that glorifies God and in learning how to care well for one another as we reach BA & Beyond by multiplying disciples to follow Jesus.
These documents contain references to grooming and sexual abuse which may be inappropriate for young readers or may be disturbing for those who have been impacted by various forms of abuse in their past. Discretion is advised.